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739 Kursus-kursus

PE10202 NUTRISI MANUSIA [2-2023/2024]
Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan
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PE10202 NUTRISI MANUSIA [2-2023/2024]

This course offers a comprehensive understanding of human nutrition, introducing students to essential concepts and guidelines. Through interactive sessions, students will explore dietary recommendations and learn how to apply them in their daily lives. Practical methods for assessing nutrition intake, including food diaries, food frequency questionnaires, and digital applications, will be discussed to enhance students' ability to monitor and improve their dietary habits. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with valuable knowledge and tools to make informed food choices and promote overall health and well-being through nutrition.

Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan

PC20403 PROJEK I [2-2023/2024]

Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan

PB31406 PRAKTIKUM [2-2023/2024]

Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan

PA31206 LATIHAN ILMIAH [2-2023/2024]

Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan

PA31006 LATIHAN PRAKTIKUM [2-2023/2024]

Pengajar: HON KAI YEE Dr.


This course is designed to teach assessment skills and specialize students in children's cognitive and physical evaluation. Few assessment tools used with children will be introduced. As part of that, the course will also explain children's potential for growth and change. Several cognitive development theories will be discussed in accordance with the measures being used with children. The course will aim to assess competencies as well as the limitations of the child. Proper assessment skills can help children, parents, teachers, and other professionals to obtain valuable insights. Based on such assessment, actions are taken and critical decisions are made.

Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan

DT51208 PRAKTIKUM [2-2023/2024]